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úterý 22. ledna 2013

My new year's resolutions

It was a long time since I made some new year's resolution and I don't usually make them for one simple reason: I'm never able to keep them but this year I want to make them come true.

And WHAT are my new year's resolutions?

1. The most important thing I want to at least reduce is to spend less time with video games which I love so much. A lot of people judges me for playing video games only because I'm a girl but I think they don't have to judge someone only because of way. I feel great and I can relax while playing - it is also a great opportunity to meet new people and practice english language through online games.

2. Stop swearing. I really, really want to stop swearing. I don't use these bad words all the time, but when something is broken or does not working properly I start to say them - or when I'm angry or someone really drives me crazy. It is my second try to have this as my new year's resolution and I really want to give it up..

3. Spend more time with sport. Even the fact that I'm doing sport everyday (aerobics, strengthening, fitness etc.) I want to exercise more, in every free time I have. Why? I feel better after some exercise and I want to become stronger and keep my body slim for as long as possible.

4. I want to spend more time cooking and baking, try more new recipes and improve my skills. It may sound a bit ridiculous but this is an activity I really like. I love baking, especially cakes, cookies, muffins and pies and to make them look nice - I also give these thing I made as a birthday presents :).

So that's all and I hope I will be able to fulfill these resolutions :).

2 komentáře:

  1. Such a nice resolutions. I appreciate that you want to avoid swearing. Not because you'd swear much but I think it doesn't fit to girls. :) So thumbs up! But be careful about more exercices. I think you do enough now. So don't push to yourself that much. I wish you lots of success to new year! :)

  2. Yeah video games, the worst habit ever. But they are so great, funny, and enternaining. :D
